Stepper Motor
This component requires 2 pins.
A stepper motor is a very powerful and precise motor as you can define the position precisely to a step. It is often used in CNC machines like 3D printers.
To use a stepper motor, you should connect a the motor to a driver. Compatible drivers are the A4988 or DRV8825 (or similar). Please refer to our documentation website to see how it is connected. The first pin of the component should be connected to the STEP pin and the second pin of the component should be connected to the DIR pin.
Connecting the driver
Here you can see a schematic diagram on how to connect the stepper motor with a DRV8825 driver and an Arduino. (Source Makerguides).
Please refert to Makerguides’s tutorial to see more details on how to connect the DRV8825 driver or the A4988 driver with a stepper and Arduino board.